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Sunday, September 28, 2008


i'm back
after a long time.
i'm back!
yesterday was awesome.
it was like 'hey-don't-sleep-tonight' kinda day
that was KENTAL

now i msn-ing with fidaa lurp(:

oh yesterday i went to SENOKO fish market.
it was pretty(: amusing!


i got the pics.


i met idah and fam yesterday!



too bad fidaaa no there.


miss you fida(if you're reading this uh)


everyone is spring cleaning except for me.


lazy luhh..

tomorrow gg hair do fdor HARI RAYA!



tomorrow taking chocoflakes from nurie!!


thts for now luhh huh..

need to iron a ton of clothes):


enjoy the picture!

♥ Stops Traffic @
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

today was ok.
nothing much happen.
my counsellor called my mum just now.
evritink went smoothly.
oh ya!
guess what!
my CCA's camera sucks..
like seriously lahh!!
i mean like its not even pro kind of camera
she expects us to take good picture!!
wth rites?!
and like i'm so embarassed to go infront(near stage)
because i think my camera feels very demoralised!
can you imagine?
the other camera's are like so hot and clear and expensive
but noooo..
ours just have to be that one!
thts what happen uh.
oh and!
just now..
kak ain(sister) tak puase then she cook maggi curry.
i said i want some.
but noooo...
she said she was too hungry to share it with anyone.
and evidence(wrappers, pot and all)
maggi wrappers & egg shell-thrown by the window.
maggi residue at the sink, thrown by the window.
it was HI-LARE-IOUS!!!
and then.
now i'm blogging.
and just finish revising for SS.
nd now, i'm eating sundae.
strawberry flavoured.
oh and just now, my mum bought for me cute umbrella:pink colour!!
lollipop design!
damn cute uh!
bt v. expensive siA!
my mum wants to iron cloths now!
i gtg!
hasta la vista baby!!
oh shit!
haven't finish revising SS!!
7 more pages!!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

sok.i'm back. and i'm done with the ironing stuffs.
heres what happen to me today:
-humiliated by teacher and make me look really bad in front of class
-wrote a poem
-confide to one of my subject teacher about what's bothering me right now
-stammered on my oral!
-talk in a conv with freda,fitz,feeza and fatin

humiliated by teacher and i look like a fucking god damn idiot in front of the class.
everyone was laughing at my diaologue.
so.i get it wrong. big mistakes.
but you don't need to humiliate me.
and yes.
i did it last minute.
and you know what.
some people in class just now just look at me in the you-are -a-disgrace kind of face. and i'm like
some times, you need to confide in the subject teachers so that they know what kind of pressure we are having today.
lesson learnt: no last minute-work

i wrote a poem and here is how it goes. btw, the title is a symbol of love.

heartshapes.chocolates. its the budding
of relationship.
rings. big, diamond rings. oh dear,
its just the starting.
twenty-four hours, seven days a week
"it's all up to you" , "i love you too" and
"i'm thinking of you".
words. its just words;
but it means alot too.

"honey, coffee would be great on this hot afternoon" and without
further ado she wnt to the kitchen.
Now. in the middle of
when the same words are spoken, the reply is different.
Now. it doesn't matter whether he loves her or he loves another her.

Ends up in separation.
No more "i love you!" and "it's really up to yo my love."
Now. Everything ends up in a quarrel.
Every now and then,
vulgarities are thrown to each other .
symbols of love don't really exist these days.
symbols of love turns to symbols of hatred.

done by: ME.

i confide to one of my teacher about what my mum did which was pulling me down right before my exam start.
and i feel very depressed.
and if i never talk to someone about it.
i wouldn't be able to concentrate on studying for EOY.
and when i FAIL my EOY, i cannot go JAKARTA.
no pillow fight for me and marie and saji!
its all started because i don't know how to do a maths question!
could there be less than 3 reasons why i hate maths!!!!
no it couldn't.
i can't help but cry when i confide what i feel.
but when my teacher propose the idea that they should talk to my mum.
i was like erm. i dun think so. i dun want my relationship with my mum drifted apart.not that its close in the first place.
so yeah. thts about it!

can you believe it??
i stammered during my oral.
i was so confident before my oral.
when ot comes to the real thing.
i stammered and stammered and i think i cursed myself infrint of the teacher!!!haha
ok. so i'm being retarded in front of the teacher.
reginal is lucky the invigilator is laughing at her conversations because it means that her conversations is interesting.
my conversations dod not make the invigilator lighten up at all!!!
i think my conversation is damn boring uhh!

i felt very left out in the conversations because they have so many memories together and like i'm the odd one out.
all their names start with the alphabet f in front of it.
except for..guess who!
me !!!!!
i am soooo kental
i think they know it too..
i just wants to fit in..
but forget it.
i guess i'm too lame for anyone anyways(:

thts basically what happen to me today.
now its 11.57 and i'm signing off.
i wonder what sblog-skin nurie did for me!
lets pray its pretty!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

well.i went to Marshanda's PARTY. IT Was all about drama queen. i mean seriously. a little girl age 3 can have different emotions within hours. first, she was smiling, so eager to cut the cake and receive presents and blow the candle. Then, Within a few minutes. very minute minutes infact. she changed! she became all "i don't want to cut the cake" and "don't sing the birthday song for me"!!!
i'm like ooooooooook. but overall, it was fun. we went to parkway parade's isetan in search of her present.(barney water bottle). and!!we took picture with an F-1 racing car(: it was a good day(:i'll remember it cause its bizarre!!haha.

there she is;smiling away

and there she is saying"no!don't sing for me"!

and there she is hugging her father and crying )))':

and then, she regain her happy mood again (:

and..in case you dun know who i am..

here's me!hair done by fatin farhanah bte ismail :)

and here's me:hair done by nurie dearest!

gosh.i haven't do my bio but i guess i can do it tomorrow during recess.now, i'm gonna iron clothes! cai cien! bye! SELAMAT!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

ok.so i'm still figuring out how to deal with the damn BACKGROUND. this is hard!
i mean. its my first time you c.
i'm gonna ask nurie dearest for help.
i'm new so if you think i'm damn lame.
well i am.
at first maybe(:
i have to go and figure out this thing and dress up to go to marshanda's party.
i'll update the picture soon after i come home from the party(:
this is AWESOME!
dats for now.
wait for the pictures aiite(:
♥ Stops Traffic @
Sunday, September 21, 2008


Mirah ! :D
Fifthteen , 211293 . Happily single (:
(L)to make new friends :]
guys are bastards.
just add me up at msn, if you wanna know more!
spammers are welcome. i WILL entertain! (:

MSN | FRIENDSTER Dont judge me tomorrow by the way I'm acting today .

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Speak up!

click to tagg :)

Alexzndria! Elaine Fatin Nurie! Mira! Iidah! Reginal! Marie! Ain! Melissa! Jessalyn Syahira Shasharina Shakinah Aiishah Ain! Melissa! Jessalyn Syahira Shasharina Shakinah Aiishah