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Saturday, February 28, 2009

if you don't mind...
i'm like supahhhh tired cann!
like damn tired, bt i had fun!
teehee. bbgs was awesome.
life's been improving.
im gg rest now.
p.s: karaoke with kim was AWESOME ;D.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

i miss this girl like alot. how alot? like alot. haiyerr. why must ppl chnge? huh huh? for the best? bt i think it's worsening situation. i shud have stick on to my ugly self. let ppl love me fr the real me. i kinda regret. hey! hello! cnnt eat alot eh! who cn stand ?? tell me WHO!? urgh.... now, i kinda look like chipmunk. and i want t be mirahGigi. will i still be? a qn to an unpredictable answer. haizes. i miss alot of things. i miss amalia. i miss jurong frens. i miss old nsps peeps. i miss iidah and fiidaa and the rest. i miss myself. cliche? i know. bt its real. i do miss myself. the old me. the one tries not to please others. bt its just so hard, dun'cha think? haiyerr.. main topic? acceptance. i need to feel tht im accepted by the peepies in school, beside my homies. teehee. im still me. bt im nt me. haiyerr, veh hard tuh explain. pls bring back the old me in me. i need me. yes, i seem so self-centered in this post, but why? so tht u guys cn find me annoying and abandon me once again. peace out.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

i am Fucking STRESS luhh!
tomorrow is math test.
and i totally gave up.
i CANNOT make it.
im so sad.
after i revised, i go through, i only at one quarter from all.
like damn annoying luhh.
i GAVE up.
i GIVE up.
sorry ms tan, i just cudn't make it.
the stress is killing me
im crying.
im crying.
im crying.
do comfort me. im dying.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Thursday, February 26, 2009

today, im gonna write a very long post. care to read? if you don't then click on my archives and read other posts of mine. its gonna be like a boring one today coz like i feel like pouring everything out. today? was so-so. everything was going smoothly until like ss. i gt 3/25 lehh! like wtf luhh. actually, not really...i was prepared fr tht kinda marks. i suck at it. hayerr.. somemore, tomorrow math paper sia. idk whether i cn make it. miss tan said " try your best", but what if my best is not my best? then its like SUPER not best luhh! and omigay, my font is sooo boring. bt who cares? not me. anw. where were we? oh ya! and tht fking disguised devil was nice today, so like no evidence captured. like damn annoying luhh. nehmind, will get her red-handed one day. just wait ******! hahahaha. only close peepies will know who im referring to. bio was so-so. i passed. ;D yay! i knoww! i gt like **/25! 2 digits lehh!veh proud sia this woman! teehee. anw. fattytynn scare me in bio. i tapped her, and she shrugged my hand off. i was like....WTF?!but it turns out, she was joking...sometimes, she really do caught me off guard...which is everytime? hahaha. okok. then aft school, i ate fried rice with fried egg and scallop. and its nice, bt i gt stuck in my teeth..annoying kann! i knoww...haiz... no pain no gain luhh sayaaaaang...hahaha.. ermm... then went to search fr ms tan, gave her ex 6.4... then taught nurie malay! oh! that reminds me! i gt a 'just pass' for malay! lie wtf! cn you bloody believe it! i cnt sial! soooo annoying. i know i cn do better luhhh! not proud, just dissapointed with myself. anw, the thiing just brings my mood down luhhh! urgh! and like i gt no mood to teach nurie, but i did anw. i guess it won't hurt whatt..... then like met nurie, taught her techniques, chits, chats. yeeah. i miss that kinda times.. hope we cn have it some more k girl? heeee. currently, im talking to rafidah in ebuddy. haha. this lappy in school is veh slow sial! like cnnt thn..hahaha..and nurie let me borrow her math notes... ;D hope it helps.
"practice makes perfect", hope tht proverb goes. is tht a proverb in the ferst place? teehee... anw, im tired.. going home now.. i'll study at home...so no gaming..do msg.. coz im like fking frking bored. oh btw fking means fucking, frking means freaking. so yeah.. im gg off now..and btw, if you guys dun know...KHALEEDADA super kekek.. she's with me now..not really with.. she's just a few steps away..hmm...she's making me laugh, every word that comes out make me laughhh. teehee. ok, she's making fun of me. she says im a chippymonkey! how cud she! so bad kannn! i knowww! samer2 bwk dier one korner ls skola, bantai kayy? teehee. mcm phm.. anw, i really gtg.. chaoochinchaooo! teehee.. bye!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

i know i know.
im not suppose to be blogging.
ct week. i know.
i studied(nt much bt still did)
time management is impt.
getting on with life.
i hateeeeed today.
SHE just knows hot to ticks me off!
like damn annoying luhh!
omigay. and my close peepies will know who i meant.
and btw, peepies, our project tomorrow, on ok?
hahaha. SISSY, big laughs to you.
coz i have a feeling, this plan will work out.
yeasss! condemn!
she said being fair, but she wasn't showing us any characteristics of fairness.
maybe what she meant by fair was fair in skin colour, which is wrong in the first place luhh cann!
so annoying.
mummy having cramps. pity her..
haiyerr...she took my medicine/panadol ehy!
im tooooooooo tired to describe anything. ttyl.
and amalia, imissyou.
and nurie, istillwantsmymuffin.
and alifah, idreamtofyou.
and azli, iwishyouthebestineverythingyoudo.
and reg, thanks FRIEND.
and alex, ;Dartsyfartsy.
and fatytynn, SCORPION ke perr!
and to mel, no mel, i didn't forget bout you.
and to feezah, how you find my blog??hehe.
and to ALL!; iloveyou, and thanks fr being my friend.
p.s: i know my font is awesome ;D
♥ Stops Traffic @
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

yos-zes! today was very NICE, and SMOOTH SAILING?
ily peepies out there for making my day.
and for tolerating with my nonsense! teehee!
hmm..today was blissful.
the nice taste of fries is still lingering in my mouth!
after sooooo LONG!
i finally got my fries ;D
ms allyn cut the fries to small pieces so tht i cn eatt ;D
how sweet right?!
all the more i love her lahh!
nurie and kim and alex and saji and tytynn and syahira and..
if i were to name all, it will just goes on..
so yeah.. that was some.
i thank them for loving me tho im uglyyyy!
and now, after gaming.
i start to think of my future.
random much!?
i KNOW luhh!
haha....well, thts just me!
love me as who i am.
then the Kaypo THINGY was heelarious, but kinda dumbdumb.
bt i wash my hands off tht case!
now im talking to mel, visiting alex's blog, and thinking of what to do later!
you know, life is unpredictable.
i feel like eating ice cream. shall do so now.
taccaire peeps ;D
love ya tons and trukloads like trucks carrying garbage ;D
except its carrying my love, and its not garby-age!
im crap!
byeeeee ;D
love ya!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

im bored to deathhhh!
everyone's busy in school.
and im stuck at home with swollen and heavy cheeks.
omigayyy..... i need to eat.
i cnt stand it anymore.
urgh. i want fries/eggs/chocolate.
i had enuff of ice cream.. been eating it fr a few days now.
urgh. u get tired of it after some time.
omigayy. iwannalookpretty.
but somehow, i dun see the progress!!!!
im so pissed off!!!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Monday, February 23, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

it's been so long..long..
since i've ever talk about me ;D
i miss blogging, macs, nuggets, fries.
i want to eat!!!!!
bt cannot!
so saddd!
all i ate was,hmm..lets c...
porridge, ice cream.
and it goes on and on and on
anw, i made facebook ;D
cool kannn?
i know lahh sehhh ;D
i miss nurie's muffin.
i creave for it.
so annoying. i dun want to trouble her..
but, her muffin makes me dream of it.
so annoying.
btw, i dreamt of her muffin ystd.
so sad D;
i gtg now. chillex peepies. love ya'll ;D
♥ Stops Traffic @
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009

omigeeez. i admire/envy/adore and every other wonderful words to this girl.
gosh connie tailbot. you move millions of hearts. you're great!
watch this videeeo. crap, i wanna be like her.
geeeesh. must watch ok?
my teeth is doing okay. my mouth is swollen.
i cnt talk. cnt eat. i cn cry though.
shit lahh.
nehmind. all this because of "pretty"
lets hope it does bring me somewhere.
i dun want to suffer fr nutink ya know!
to those who love me as who i am. i appreciate it.
ily guys too. and ystd webcam with marie was funny.
can sing and dance all uh!
ily marie.
webcam again ok?
ok. i gtg. im too fed up to do anitink.
be jealous peepies!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

some part of me just say i "can't make it" tomorrow.
yes sayaang ou there, i will have faith. but if i dun make it thru, pls always rmmbr me in your prayers, heart and FOOD. yes. pls say that im important when i'm gone.
pls say you miss me when i'm no longer around.
pls say you rmmbr all the good times with me, and it will always stay with you, when i'm gone.
pls say you'll have a flashback when you c FOOD/chocolates when i'm gone.
when i'm no longer around, my love will always be.
ily guys. thanks for evrything, pray that i will make it thru tomorrow.
and pls dun talk bad about me later when i'm gone.
i'll always be around, maybe?
heh. love you guys! buoys!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Thursday, February 19, 2009

hello friends,
hows world been, w/o me blogging?
im just too lazy to blog nowadays.
kinda dead uh the blog. i know.
wokays, for me. life has been fine.
been in contact with old friends.
miss them luhhh.
nehmindddd. ;D
im getting on with life.
geog paper was ok. so was biologyyy.
tomorrow i won't be in school until tuesday.
don't miss me kay bbg?
heh. i'll be back for more next tues wokay?
hee. wish me luck on my surgery. i need alot of support lahh.
cannot eat! how to survive. cheetot btol!
bt its ok. i'll be on a diet.
hehe..amalia.. sorry girl, i still haven't got time to write on your dedicated post.
but must wait for it okay? i promise to give you, so i will. wokay?
ok guys. paper picheyt ok?
*get my number personally pls!

♥ Stops Traffic @
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

let amirah be the reporter for the day.

how was your day?
it was ok luhh huh?
what did you ate for recess?
cheese macaroni.
what did you drank?
apple tea.
was the food and drink nice?
yeah i guess.
how was p.e?
ok. not as exciting as usual.
what did you do during p.e?
who did you partner with?
my CAI YUN.(hehe)
what did the rest of the class did?
they revise for the geography test.
were they acting smart?
no, they dun have to.
did you have fun during p.e?
yeah...i guess.
did you have menses cramps?
yeah. like farking pain lahh!grrr.
did you have any cure?
yeah. mar mar gave her menses pill, to ease pain.
did the cure last long?
not really...a feww hours only..
how was your geography test?
ok. i did the songggg. (hehe)
whts the few lyrics of the song?
swash, backwash.
swash, backwash.
strong swash, weak backwash = constructive waves
weak swash, strong backwash = destructive waves
was the song effective?
how was the assembly?
ok luhh..(haha)
are you tired?
any last words?
♥ Stops Traffic @
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

sometimes i just don't get my life.
my life with family members?
its topsy turvy upside down.
i miss iida, fiida, iilah.
and all the other cousins out there.
its been a while since we've met isn't it?
ily guys still ya know.
my family is making me go insane.
my grandma and mum.
well, my grandma hobby is to nag at
unnecessary stuff.
and my mum?
she gets annoyed when grandma starts nagging.
so the only way t make grandma stops is by scolding me.
so that my grandma thinks what she is doing is right
though she may be WRONG,
she assumes she's right all the time.
"no one is perfect, neknda, not even you"
so why make my life miserable and make me cry at unreasonable stuff?
why? i tried to be on good terms with her. bt it just fails.
cnt u c im trying my best?
cnt u?
well, if u don't, then look closely at the efforts im putting in.
tho, you took my freedom and lappies and comp.
i still am surviving
haha. ;D
try me.
i gt my ways don't you think?
now back.
amalia, im sorry bout your dedicated post.
i've been busy.
i'll write it when im free wokays bbg?
ok. now,
i gtg study fr ss paper tomorrow.
you won't see me online tht often.
and blogging? yeh. not tht often either.
because of the mentioned reasons above.
yeah, so now. u cn reach me on my phone.
;D taccaire and love ya and god bless ya'll ;D
♥ Stops Traffic @
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

omg, sorry bbg.
i didn't wish you happy birthday!
sorry sangat.
so in return, i'll present you this
"so-called-dedicated post".
here goes.
happy birthday darl ;D
sweet sixteen huh?
haha. baru 3 hari!
hmm.. imy alot luhh ehyys!
like alot.
do u rmmbr where we usually hangs out?
you dun? i do!
i miss laughing at your sometimes super blur look!
andand you are like always the last to understand the jokes?
why?oh right! coz you're alifah!
haha. imy lahh;D
don't you miss me? i know you do larh horr!
haha. i was soooooper haypie when i gt your msn.
i immediately went
"omg, omg, omg!!!!!"
haha. i know. kental. cnt help ;D
hope you get thru your sweet sixteen, sinfully sweet ;D
haha ;D
imy loads and loads and truckloads kinda loads luhh!
so here's a song fr you.

you're one in a million, bbg!

♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, February 13, 2009

hey friends, loved ones and all ;D
today was doing awesome.
i love all the gifts you girls gave.
love it love it love it.
and thanks agn fr appreciating tht im here, in earth ;D
today was supah tiredddd!
goshness ;D
haha. but i had fun so tired aside .
and saji darling, the cupcake was awesomelly sweet,
(just like the person who bake it)
and reg love, the cake was terrificly nice!
(just like the person who receives it)heh. kidding yaww!
nurie, i save th best fr th last wokay? hehe.
and all. it was awfully sweet to gimme all ;D
and wokays. i just realise that alifah's bday was 3 days ago.
and i didn't wish her.
how bad a friend cn be?
wait fr your dedicated post wokay dear?
and all.
im supah tired.
and nurie, thanks fr making me appreciate that im nt th shortest after all!
haha. being petite do have its own benefits don't you think?
i think so too ;D
now, im gonna chomp on all the sweets given.
thanks yaww ;D
love ya!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

hey yawww ;D
yeah mansss ! today has beeeeen WOKAYZES ;D
i think i did pretty good today.
don't look back and just keep moving forward, and
evritink's gonna be fine bbgs ;D
heh, tomorrow will be an advance valentine's day for all students huh?
heh ;D
yeahh, pee-oh-ple, what important most fr the gifts is that you're sincere.
u cn give a very expensive gift and say
"omigosh, i spent aloy of money on it. shud i give her anod?"
then, just forget it. kip it to yourself.
all i need fr valentine's day will be a hug and tell me that you really appreciate having a friend like me. its not much ya know?
all i need is your sincerity in being my fren ;D
not much right?
yes, it applies to all you readers out there, boys, girl .
friends that is. ;D
yes, nobody nobody but you ;D
yes you ;D
valentine's day present??
its a surprise yaww.
maybe a hug. or maybe just the sayin of
"i'm glad you're my friend"
hohoho. maybe?
who knows? not you!
tomorrow, planning t eat lunchies with bbg amalia.
bt that is if she gt no shitty remedial all ;D
i miss her. don't you? i do!
im su-peah tai-yred luhhh!
talking to bbg puni and bbg kalisha.
and of course, bbg amalia.
yeah, and amalia.
here's a note.
i shall give you a dedicated post during vday.
as a gift of our 10 years of friendshippp?? and still counting ;D
wokay? love yall!
bye yawwww ;D
♥ Stops Traffic @
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

wokays guys, i know.
i've been weird lately. im sorry.
bt its hard for me. don'tyou think?
maybe you guys should stop thinking bout you guys and start thinking bout how other ppl feel.
thats what i honestly think lahh hor.
thanks to those who tries to cofort me.
it really does help ;D
thanks bbg,
shud i name some?
wokays. maybe not.
ilygmanymany ;D
mira loves yawww, alottt ;D
♥ Stops Traffic @
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

omigosh omigosh omigosh.
Nurie a.k.a nurieridescar, just sent me an email.
very funny. it crack me up.
i was laughing alone, and i bet you will to.
so here goes. enjoy.
Little Red Riding Tudung.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a void deck in Geylang. Whenever she went out, the little girl wore a red tudung, so everyone in the village called her Little Red Riding Tudung, or Siti, for short.One morning, Little Red Riding Tudung asked her mother if she could go to visit her Nenek (grandmother) as it had been awhile since they'd seen each other."Baik siol! You haven't seen Nenek since Hari Raya," her mother said. So they packed a nice basket for Little Red Riding Tudung to take to her grandmother. It had a lot of things that Nenek would love: ketupat, satay, and sambal.When the basket was ready, Siti put on her red tudung and kissed her mother goodbye."Remember, go straight to Nenek's house," her mother cautioned. "Don't gelek along the way and please don't stop to listen to the guitars! The void decks are dangerous.""Don't worry, ibu," said Little Red Riding Tudung, "I know silat.""Little Red Riding Tudung Binte Songkok! You promise me you'll go straight to Nenek's house! Or I swear to durian I will make you do Maths!"Little Red Riding Tudung was alarmed at this threat. She gripped her baju kurung at the horror of what her mother said. "Fine, ibu. I promise."But when Little Red Riding Tudung noticed some handsome mats in the void deck, she forgot her promise to her mother.One of the mats stopped playing his guitar to look at Little Red Riding Tudung. He then made a weird kissing sound with his lips. "Eh you jambu sial!" he said.Little Red Riding Tudung was very flattered by this, and asked the mat for his name."My name is very long siol. But I made it shorter. To Robert," he replied with a void deck accent.Little Red Riding Tudung was intrigued. She had never met a void deck mat named Robert! "Oh what's your full name? I really want to know," she said sweetly."Jamal Samsuddin Bin Ali," the boy replied sheepishly."And you shortened it to...?""Robert.""...........""Jamal Samsuddin bin Ali.... shortened to Robert," Jamal Samsuddin bin Ali shortened to Robert said patiently.Little Red Riding Tudung finally nodded vigorously after a long while and said, "Oh yes, I see the link. Very creative sial you!"Little Red Riding Tudung and Robert continued conversing from there, talking about libraries, outside jail and other places they were unfamiliar with.She was enjoying the company at the void deck so much, that she didn't notice a dark shadow approaching out of the pillar behind her...Suddenly, the wolf appeared beside her."What are you doing out here, little girl?" the wolf asked in a voice as friendly as he could muster."I'm on my way to see my Nenek who lives a few blocks away," Little Red Riding Tudung replied, turning away from Robert. "I brought her the best ketupat in Singapore, Terengganu and Eastern Java sial!""Sounds delicious!" exclaimed the wolf. Then he added in an undertone, "Just like you... Heh heh heh.""What?""Oh nothing, nothing."Little Red Riding Tudung suddenly realized how late she was and quickly excused herself, rushing down the path to Nenek's house.The wolf, in the meantime, took a shortcut.A little out of breath from running, the wolf arrived at Nenek's and knocked lightly at the door."Oh thank goodness dear! Come in, come in! I was worried sick that something had happened to you in the void deck. I haven't been this worried since that time you passed Maths!" said Nenek thinking that the knock was Little Red Riding Tudung, better known as Siti for some illogical reason.The wolf let himself in. Poor Nenek did not have time to say another word, before the wolf gobbled her up!"Mmm sedap siol!" it enthused.The wolf then poked through Nenek's wardrobe to find a baju kurung that he liked. Yes, the wolf was metrosexual and was cool with wearing women's clothes because it was not insecure about its masculinity. The wolf added a frilly sleeping cap, and for good measure, dabbed some of Nenek's perfume behind his pointy ears. It was Chanel Nº5, from the nearest pasar malam.A few minutes later, Red Riding Tudung knocked on the door. The wolf jumped into bed and pulled the covers over his nose. "Who is it?" he called in a high, makcik voice."It's me, Little Red Riding Tudung." Little Red Riding Tudung added, "I brought your favourite ketupat, Nenek! And I also brought....the sambal!""Oh how lovely! Do come in, my dear," croaked the wolf.When Little Red Riding Tudung entered the little cottage, she could scarcely recognize her Nenek."Nenek! Your voice sounds so odd, sial. Did you eat something that was not halal?" she asked."I had some nasi babi," the wolf confessed untruthfully and sadly, adding an 'oink' at the end to prove the point. "At least it was airpork! Flown from Australia.""But Nenek! Your ears... Besar siol!," said Little Red Riding Tudung as she edged closer to the bed."So I can listen to dangdut better la," replied the wolf."But Nenek! Your eyes... Besar siol!," said Little Red Riding Tudung."So I can read Berita Harian better la," replied the wolf."But Nenek! Your teeth...Besar siol!," said Little Red Riding Tudung her voice quivering slightly."So I can eat satay better la," replied the wolf."Huh what?""I mean... So I can eat you better la," roared the wolf and he leapt out of the bed and stood menacingly in front of Little Red Riding Tudung."Huh what?""So I..can...eat...YOU..better!""Oh!" said Little Red Riding Tudung. "HAHAHAHA I thought you said so you can eat ME better! HAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHA!"The wolf allowed a good minute for this to sink in. After a minute, Little Red Riding Tudung's realised what the wolf meant and shouted , "ALAMAK! You want to eat me sial! AAAARRRGGGGHHHHHHHH, sial!" After a good two minutes of screaming, she stopped, and said, "Oh! No wonder you leapt out of the bed and stood menacingly in front of Little Red Riding Tudung, a.k.a me!"Almost too late, Little Red Riding Tudung realized that the person in the bed was not her Nenek, but a hungry wolf.She ran across the room and through the door, shouting, "Help! Wolf, sial!" as loudly as she could.A Chinaman who was counting money nearby heard her cry and ran towards the flat as fast as he could.Seeing the situation, he turned to the wolf and shouted, "ONE PLUS ONE IS TWO! Just like the number of minutes you have left to live!"The wolf, who was part-Mat on his father's second cousin's side, was disgusted to hear such accurate Mathematics. The Math hurt his head horribly.The Chinaman pressed his advantage. "THE SQUARE ROOT OF NINE IS THREE! Just like your IQ!" The wolf howled in pain."EIGHTEEN MINUS FOURTEEN IS FOUR! JUST LIKE THE NUMBER OF WIVES YOU HAVE!!" The wolf finally crumpled to the floor, with a terrifying cry of pain, defeated.The Chinaman made the wolf spit out the poor Nenek who was a bit frazzled by the whole experience, but still in one piece."Oh Nenek, I was so scared!" sobbed Little Red Riding Tudung, "I'll never talk to Mats or gelek in the void deck again.""There, there, child. You've learned an important lesson. Thank ketupat you shouted loud enough for this kind Chinaman to hear you!"The Chinaman knocked out the wolf and carried him deep into the void deck where he wouldn't bother people any longer.Little Red Riding Tudung and Nenek had a nice lunch of ketupat, satay and sambal and had a long chat, incapable of seeing the incredulity of a wolf appearing out of a pillar under a void deck.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

i'm like feeling super down today.
evritink's going th wrong way. why so?
omigosh. life's been hard today, and i think its gonna go on.
sad? yes.
i need FRIENDS.
the one who stick with me.
the one who can tahan my nonsense crappy stuffs.
the usual that people get annoyed with.
bt i dun always get wht i want.
and this tyme, its fr real. i need one.
i know. people around me have been great and all.
bt it's just not right, right guys?
it's lately been all about me.
what about you guys?
fark, i'm down on the lowest ground.
stuck on my stupid questions, and gritting my teeth as i go.
i grin, smile, laugh.
like any other kid does.
bt whts inside?
wht do i have? i do appreciate wht i have now.
the ones i can talk to. but i cnt possibly bother them with my stupid nonsense.
anyone who thinks can tolerate my idiotic nonsense. do call.
i need a Friend, not foe.
i know i have many.
i know people look down on me.
i know.
don't have to act anymore.
i knew it all along.
just say it t my face, it will be better
"i think you're stupid, im smart, and i think u dun deserve t be in this class"
done. easy right?
bt no.
everyone hides sumtink. maybe myself too.
crapshit. i just feel like dropping dead now, and forget all these crappy shitts.
yes makkal, i know.
don't care what people think. bt its easier said thn done.
i want t be smart bt i cnt.
and i dun have the looks t rely on.
so how now brown cow?
i need time.
i need A friend.
i need someone who thinks im not that annoying after all.
i want t have someone t confide in. bt who?
im just not sociable enuff. i need t get gg and break out of this circle.
yes mel, i'll try.
ily guys much.
bt as u guys know. i am super annoying, and i really did try my best nt t b annoying.
bt hw? no. no diff.
i tried. bt u guys lehh?
how how how?
maybe you guys shud try t fit in my shoe fr a while.
dun u think? i gt no one. no one at all.
that is what i honestly feel. i gt no one.
everyone is busy with their own stuffs.
have you guys ever think sumtink like,
"how wud amirah feel if..."
no right?
its ok. for you. luhh huh?
wad about me?
anyone think bout me?
anyone said "hey, im glad you are my friend"?
all say , "you know you have me, anitink can just talk to me"
bt in th end? u guys just couldn't be bothered t help me.
why? because you guys have your own problem.
now, im nt trying t find any problem or anth.
i just want you guys t be in my shoes fr a while.
amirah, for once?
try asking yourself, "how wud i feel if i were her?"
try. pls, try.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

today was GUH-REAT!
heh. yearps. evritink was smooth sailing..
tired! is all i can think of now!
grr !
haha..but its okays. friends are entertaining me now..
i know, my last two post was..erm.. random..
but hey, i think im back..to normal.. i think?
hahs.idc really. idc nimore bout tht bloody bastard!
hahs. anw, today was okluhhhs?
hmm....lets c? shall we recap AGAIN?
oh! i just remembered! i was fking mad at tht bloody ___________!
she kept on picking on malay girls, in particular, me and fafa!
wahh piang!! damn annoying uh! bloody hell!
i was damn pissed off luhh!
here's wht happen today :
- i gt scolded by my el teacher, because i was not responsible enuff to do anitink!
-and wth! i was only gg t put tht bloody newspaper! fking bloody *****!
-then, had P.E.
- we had soccer match with lilaine, melly, verver, sandy pandy and nandy's team.
-idk wht happen during the soccer match, bt it was hilarious!hahah!
-why? because marmar stop the ball with her HAND!
-it wasn't suppose t be tht way luhh!
- fafa is like the best soccer player ; congrats FAFA!
- hmm.. then, it was mathh!
-i wasn't paying attention much.
-sorry ms ___.
-chooms and lelex was super NOISY as usual, and they blame me!
-i love them anw! ;D
-then, it was mt.
-mt was awesome i guess? haha except tht cikgu say that my handwriting was attrocious and that points can be deducted if the marker dun understand my handwriting..
-teehee.. sorry cikgu.. dh terbiaser ;D
then it was RECESS!
wee~ chat chat, talk talk.
i was suppose t go on a diet butt...
i ATE!
haha woopsies ;D
-after that, we had SS.
- was ok luhh ehy?
-i understood? i think.. teehee ;D
-then GEOG!omigosh omigosh!
how can i b so stupid as t forget the bloody geog graphic organiser and the newspaper article??damn piang sial!
-gt a scolding frm mrs ____.
-but i'm cool tho ;D.
then.. here comes the WERST PART!!
gt fire drill when we're suppose t take th bloody bus.!
so, the bus left without us!
and we dun even know where's NSS!
bt we find our way thru, thanks to kimberley? it tink thts how her name is spelled.
hahaha ;D
then it was ok all along. did my part.
then went back t school. came fr course.
was bo-ring!haha bt hu cares?
i want the cert ONLY whtt!
and today, i cheered up..
thanks to :
-aqilah(longlost fren)
-sandy pandy
-cassy c
-idk whts the girl name
-idk whts the girl's name's friend
-ms tan
and whoever i talk to just now which i forget t list out.
today, i learn to forget the past, and appreciate wht i have.
and ily guys. alot. thanks fr evritink. thanks fr making my day.
thank you so much.
ily guys. ily very very muchh ;D
♥ Stops Traffic @
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

ok, im back just t clarify things with you readers.
the post i wrote is about the BASTARD;
is mainly because
1. i hate him
2. i want him t die A.S.A.P
3. he's a no good father
4. i think i say tis alrdy, bt im gonna say this agn.. i HATE him!
5. i cnt stand being strong anymore.
6 my brave front is just bullshit,
7. im loud fr a reason don't you think?
♥ Stops Traffic @
Monday, February 09, 2009

fuck! don't you know how much i've been hurt?
all these years? i've tried my very best t forget wht u've done, bastard!
i hate you like a plump kid hates her veggie meal,bastard!
fuck! you hurt me deep bastard! fuck fuck fuck! i hate you so much don't you know?
and yes, if you guys inquire me? i think you will be shock who i'm referring to!
bastard sial tu palapuks!
i've tried my very best to forget and move on.
but fuckshit, wht u did t me left a big impact!
maybe because you weren't like tht before??
i hate you, you you and you!
you made me so different! if u didn't do that..
then maybe my frens wouldn't have t suffer my loudness in class.
all because of you bastard.
sorry, i just have to add this in.
i hate you even tho you are me _________.
bastard! i hate you!
i mean like seriously!
anyone could just bang you off your feet now for all i care!
"i regret having a ______ like you"
wtf!? don't be annoying luhh bastard!
i hate you still!
*PS. :i cnt help it, but i just have t write tht down.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Monday, February 09, 2009

it's been long since i've blog isn't it?
miss me much?i know bbg and bbyboys!
haha, life has been usual.
this year, as i said, i'm gonna b more focused in studies,
and that means jonas brothers aside!
MSN is active, per normal.
studies has been ok this last weeks...
haha! as in, organized still..and doing hw!
imagine?me and hw?
haha!wokayzes, that was weird!
haha..anw, mum bought the LG renoir.
and guess wht! i just gt th hang of it and mummy wants t take back!
i just fell in love with th phone, and now, i have t let it go!
mummy shouldn't lent me in th ferst place luhh!
kecoh ppl uh tht one, but i love her still!!!
today, hmm lets recap?
bio - was not tht boring today!hoorah fr ms ___!
- mind map homework
- ms ___ told us to pick flower for bio this thurs
-had remedial, bt few ppl came
ss -ms __ was mad because few ppl did th werksheet which was suppose t
be hw!
-lucky i did my part! *phew*
-was ok
-reminded to bring the sec 3 book.. tom if not wrong..hahah!woopsies!
mt - ms _______ didn't came to school
- we were left in th chinese class.
-greeted the lao she!
-did some art cutting for alex..coolioszes!
-had a nice long talk with the malay peeps, which is fafa and lelex
-rush down for recess!!!wee~~!
rec - paid kimmie 3 buckos!
-bought hottydogs with rice fr 80cents, and one packet of hottydogs!
-now, im left with...lets c, 6 dollars?!!?OMIGOSH ke perr!
geo- was ok luhhh.
- half dead actually..heh!
- gt back our map reading test
- i've improved! one mark to pass..teehee!(but i do inprove!)
-did some corrections..done fr class!
lit! - it was super sleepy as usual!
- frget t buy snacks t keep me awake.
- i asked mrs ___ whether i can bring voice recorder fr revision later.
- _____ paid her sumtink "miming" book.
- that's basically it ya know?
mth- it was awakening with NOISY chooms beside me!
- and of course, with dearest lelex, acting cool on another side!
- gt 1/5 fr pop quiz..i know, WTH!! (careless mistake goddammit!)
- ms ___ shows us a ppt slide on some sad, touching story.
- the story was super-est touching... about some rich kid..blablabla!
-and NO! i didn't cry like SUNtv did wokayzes!haha!!!!(inside joke)
- inquire bout tom's match...(netball match)and no, we're nt playing..we're
-that's all fr maths lar horrs!
now, basically, im chillex-ing and chatting with long-lost fren; alifah and olivia!
haha! alifah is as pretty as ever.. actually, no, she's much prettier now.. and i gt t know tht she's th same class with athirah and aqilahh!!!cool ke per sia!! and olivia, evergreen-ish cool, was planning on a gatheing for kindness 6.. haha.. look forward t it for sure! hehs. thst fr now.. getting lethargic..haizzes!
gtg, you girls and guys taccaire..
and p.s: mirah still hearts spideyman!!!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Monday, February 09, 2009


Mirah ! :D
Fifthteen , 211293 . Happily single (:
(L)to make new friends :]
guys are bastards.
just add me up at msn, if you wanna know more!
spammers are welcome. i WILL entertain! (:

MSN | FRIENDSTER Dont judge me tomorrow by the way I'm acting today .

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