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Monday, March 30, 2009

Reginal Allyn
hello reg :) i cnt find a pict of us. well i can, but it's either, im not looking at the camera or you :( so, i editted our pict. and that's the only pict that you were alone. :) so yeah. well, first of all, i wanna say sorry i've hurt you many many times. it has all been about me, and i think that's wrong of a friendship relationship. i've broke your trust, and it's only right that i built it up again :) and again, i'm sorry, and thanks for giving me a second chance :) ily babe :)
Marie Natalie
well, well, what do we have here. teehee. MARIE SUMMARY! i LOVE you to bits and pieces i tell you :) although at times i get annoyed at you and you get annoyed at me, at the end of the day, we'll be back on top right? i always joke around, so anything, don't take it to heart/hard. overall, i just want you to know that i love you much much :) twx baby uhh!??! hahah. teehee.
Munirah Ahmat
teehee. again again your face right here. hahaha. ily and and. you look pretty in most of the pictures. all and all, i love you from the bottom of my heart. thanks for everything, esp for just being there, whenever, wherever.
Melissa Koh
Mel, i love you many many also...Don't wory, i nvr did forget about you laaaa! haha. even if your picture nt in blog, it will always be in my heart lorhhh! hahaha. your lame-ness is much awesome-ness lahh cann...all the more i sayang you, you know....hehe...okok. taccaire...love ya... (:

♥ Stops Traffic @
Monday, March 30, 2009

When You Think It's The 'Time' In Your Life where Everything just have to comes your way, just persevere and be patient cos the good things will come only in the later part of the story (:
ystd was uber fun-ness right frens? hahah! lets dance! hahha -.-".. i think marie super embarassed to go with me and Fatin ystd. hahaha. ask marie why! hahahha. hilarious sia. we had fun overall :) love ya bbg! haha. today? couldn't be more better. passed my GEOG! :) then then, went home, nurie sent me till rp. then home, made the perfect cheese+nutella toast. :) recipe, from one and only sis nirah. i love her to bits! and oh! she's beside me -.-" ..she's carefully analasing all ym pimple. annoying or what? say omg lah! now she's asking me " must you write everything?" of course i do! DUH! -.-" MY DIARY whaaaat. ahhaa. and i think what abg khai said is right, sometimes she live in her own world! why? like just now, out of nowhere, she talks about my pimple..sigh, kak nirah kak nirah..haha, random lahh! but i love her anw, and no werries, i love kak ain as much too :) so kak ain, if you're reading this, I LOVE YOU as much as I LOVE KAK NIRAH :)ohoh! did i tell yo we had this math game in math class. very fun sia! teehee. oh, and mel, wait for your picture in another post coming right after this :) love youuu! anyone wanna picture edit,do request, gladly help :). and i have a surprise for kak nirah. :) wait k? just wait. ok loves, bye, taccaire, have a nice day :)
♥ Stops Traffic @
Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I think I'm In Love, But You Think You are Trapped ;
Sigh, hello all. i cnt stop thinking about him. its like whenever i think about him, i get dissapointed cos he will never realise my feelings for him. sigh, s'kay. i really ahve to learn to forget abt him,and move on with life. im still young...s'kay.. the time will come when ppl finally realise im pretty in one way or the other. sigh...okok. so today was ok.. woke up early like around 7 pluss cos...idk! ahahha. im hungry laaah. tht was whyy i think...hahah... then, slept again after breakfast -.-" ! haha. then fold clothes with sis's help, iron clothes (alone :) then... now im at the comp, after a long day of edits. why? 1) was because i want to take pict with jess, but never got the chance. popular uh jess!.. then 2) was because i was checking ppl's blog, and found veron's and she dedicated one post to me. aww. ilyt! 3)alex said in her blog she love me to bits. need i explain more?!haha. meeting marie and fattytynn at cp at 5 and heading to airport soon after. guys, enjoy the dedicated paragraph ok ? :) much love, Mirah!

Jessalyn Soo Jia Ning
jess! i know we nvr take pict before...thats why i edit our pict..together..nice? teehee. i hope you like it. you look nice in the pict! :) ily babe! and thanks for everyting you ever did, to help me in one way or the other ! love you truclkoads!
Veronica Soh Chu Ying
Veron uh veron!haha. laughing away with you was great :) hahaha. laughing at your unpredictable movement! hahahaa. piglet's big fan on the loose. and omg. i miss 2 charity too! and like miss "curtain" Thanks For the dedicated paragraph for me :) i love you many many too ya know! taccaire, and your laugh uh! hahha. from far will know its yours -.-" ! hahaha. love you truckloads! :)

Alexzndria Ace

hehe..thanks for saying that you love me to bits. i do too :) and like. thanks for everything. thanks for just being there whenever. hehe. i couldn't do much. i hope you like the newly edittd picture. and dun werry, your pict is just nice. not too big nor too small. love ya babe! my spasm/redbull friend. taccaire. and always rmmbr, me...gerard way? dun click...na'ah.. so asking stuffs that has got to do with him, gives me no effect..unless, you talk about..you know who...:) ok. babe, again, thanks. and Love ya Truckloads! :)

♥ Stops Traffic @
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009

When There's Nothing To Do, Then Do Nothing (:
I am so so so so so so so so bored lah today. bt ppl in my lifes make it interesting-.-! hahaha. first, wake up early at 9 plusses. had a great laugh with grandma and accusing Aidil of stuff he didn't do. he cried. aww..:'( haha, then, i played comp, then bath, get ready for AC. then met Nurie dearest and Fatin Hilarious at KFC, cos i was meeting nurie at first, then kak ain wanted to tagged along cos she wanted to tie scorpion -.-! lame lahh! then she was annoying. kak ain kak ain -.-"! hahhaa, then bought bubble tea, walked and talked along the way. "fatin is a joke herself" hahahaha. everyone knows that -.-"...then reached. Nurie got restless and wanted to do her math! and Fatin went off wandering. hahaha. then funny sia. i dun think they want us to represent our class anymore la! so ungraceful both of us, dudok dahlah terkangkang. tak boleh pekik, pekik jgak. tak fhm bahase! hahahah. After shouts, suddenly we laughed, cos it'll be embarassing if we gt thrown out laaah! hahha...then, hmm.. what else...oh the reception was nicenice (: "DON'T LOOK AT ME EATING, I look like a pig!"...YEAH! that's a tip..hehe.. anw, then went home, now im in front of the comp. and oh oh oh! just now was heelarious lah! mr chan and melissa in one conv? can die! i swear. and and and! tmrw im gg airport with marie! and Fatin?? hahaha. yeahpps. sending the indonesian friends back :'(...sigh, i wish i can go jakarta/bandung agn sia. damn fun uhh!sigh...3 A's? you think i cn make it mehh? cnnt manns! hahaha.okeehhhokeeehhh, im going to wait for mel to finish bathing, meanwhile, im going to play game, and did i tell you? kak nirah is gg crazy! she wants t play badminton tmrw?? like wtf?? we dnt even have rackets, much more shuttlecock! hahah. funny sia. ilove her aniwaes :) ok nyahahaha. bye peepies.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy belated 19th Birthday bbg dearest!
Sorry for the one day late post, haha. but i still post whaaaat! i love you veh much, and i hope you spend your nineteen years of living well. teehee. you wanted to become a nurse, you are near there. congrats. i wish you luck in evritink you do ok :) love ya! taccaire!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, March 27, 2009

When You Know It's Not The Right Thing To Do, Why'd You Do?

Sigh...Today is Friday. What Does It Mean?
-end of the day for the week
-tmrw is saturday, then sunday, then Monday!!
-have to finish up homework by today -.-"

see? i think life is short, thus we have to live life to the fullest. Don't Care what will Happen In the Future, just think of now. right now. every second of now. right now? i just wanna care about my education. i'm improving :) that's something new isn't it? i knoww. well, again, like i say, life is full of unpredictable stuffs waiting to happen. you can never predict what's next! you know whaaat. im complicated. "on first look, you'll definitely know"..sigh.. when you're complicated, your life follow suit. sigh, that's just life ain't it? hahah. looks is really deceiving. totally, and seriously. ppl may look like im innocent and stuffs, but really what's inside is scars, one after another and some just kept bleeding. and my tittle? yeah, that's for me. i mean like seriously, women of integrity! in which part of my life do i input that? i think i should practice it more often. honestly, this is what i am. an annoying-irritating-friggin' chilidish kid. when am i ever ever ever gnna change? idk myself. i tried my best to change, but i'll just keep hurting, so tell me why i shouldn't give up trying? i gave up. i gave up the minute i know i hurt another soul. its hard for me dun you think? well,if you think its not, it is. i gt family who is not really behind my back. a few friends trusting me. tell me, how much more can my life be a factor of bore? tell! cnt right!sigh.. sorry fr the long post.. words just keeps flowing out of my mind and my hand keeps typing. and yet, im not finish bout "mr dreamy guy".sigh.. i'll talk about my feelings towards him some other timee :))) lest, you get REALLY bored, the fact that you already are, doesn't help -.-"! haha. and yeah. im signing out and i want to talk to ppl. like talk, find out about THEIR lives instead of ME! for once, im thinking of others. thank god! sigh. byee!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

You are the Rainbow in my life, but too bad you don't know who you are
To That Special Someone,
Thanks For Making Me Fall For You All Over Again.
It Takes A Very Long Time For Me To Forget You,
But Takes Just A Second To Make Me Fall For Your Charm.
You May Be Seeing Her, For Now.
But Maybe You Will Realise That I Was There For You,
All The While.
I Don't Know How Much Longer I Can Pretend,
To Imagine You With Her,
Makes Me Envy Her With All My Heart,
She's Just Oh-So-Lucky,
But Too Bad She Couldn't See That The Charming One,
Is Right InFront, Waiting For Her.
Oh Well, You May Think I'm A Bastard,
Liking Him, When I'm The One Setting Them Up.
I Want Him To Be Happy, But I Don't Know..
How Much Longer Can I Wait?
Today is Oh-so-fun :D
Nothing Much Happen, Well Maybe It Did But Maybe It Did, But I Forgot! Teehee. You Know How STM Can Really Get Me :D bt s'kay, Overall, it was funn, tiring and omg. can't wait for tmrw! the "kids" are in town! weeee~! gonna have loads of farns tmrw. teehee.
oh oh oh! i just rmmbred sumtink!
"fan is a chico"
hahahha funny sial! bleh tahan taxi uh eh? hahaha! woopsies. there's just so much gg on, and now that im back on the happy mode, it's uncotrollable lah sial! hahah.
btw kan korang2, aku rinduu kawan2 aku yang kat primary school dulu tuu.. bleh thn taxi uh besar dier... sigh... aku dh tinggi, and aku bangg nk tunjok korang braper tinggi aku dh grow! :D happy nyerr. kawan2, jumper yok satu hari nanti okehh? sayaaaaang korang. okehh byee :D
To Nurie sayaaang.
be strong okehh? aku sayaaaang kaww. :D and no matter whaaat. aku ttp ader kat cni. its a matter of choice whether kau nk share ke tknk okehh bbg. its been so long since aku balek ngn kaww. jom balek samer2 lagik. teehee. enjoy life,coz its sticking with you till "kingdom comes"??hahah!

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♥ Stops Traffic @
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Hardest Thing To Do Is Watch The One You Love, Love Someone Else

Heyhos Everyone! Hows Your Everyday Going? Great? Then Good For You.. Mine? Has Been Alot Of Ups And Downs. Sigh.. Now? Currently? I'm Climbing Again.. All The Obsticles, Do Taught Me A Very Valuable Lesson That I Can Use In My Later Part Of Life :D


Have you ever had this feeling? the regret? after you have done sumtink that will cheer others up, but definitely let you down? see my tittle? yes. sigh. unpredictable much huhs? sigh, to let two people be happy, let me feel the downfall. sigh. be happy, my friends. love you, and you. taccaire.


♥ Stops Traffic @
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Nurie/Nughreigh :)
Hahahaha, omg, my post with all pink! just for you bbg :D nurie sayaaaang, happy birthday. Happy 16th Birthday to be exact :) i love youu. and i only wish the best for you! in everyhting you do! Don't ever say this "i give up" coz then, you will. just don't! ok? you've been my strong pillar all this while. and i only wish i could be the same! :) and on your 16th birthday here, i really hope that things won't change that much :) i really do hope. i don't want to lose any single piece of my puzzley life. be happy always kehh bbg? i sayaaaaang u memany :D haha. and stay strong for me if not for you.(or is it the other way round?). have fun, and always always keep a space for me in your heart :D
lastly, you know wht im gonna say!


♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Iidah sayaang,
aku rindu kau jgak lah sia!SUMPAH! aku rindu kau giler babi! mcm giler babi. aku rindu main tennis ngn kau, main badminton yang tak pass2 ngn kau! makan ngn kau, tido ngn kau, ketawer ngn kau! andand, buat kerje giler ngn kau -.-! hahaha. tak sayang oi, aku tak akan pernah luper kesemua kerja giler yang kita buat berdua :) i love you as much as you love me kehh bbg? hahaha. siak. macam2 sak kiter buat! hahah. and did you know tht biler kau wish aku happy birthday, aku nanges? sbb aku rindu kau giler babi. kiter rapat macam siak punyer siak. haizz.. maybe, one day, kiter jumper lagik. buat kerje giler lagik kehh bbg? aku rinduuuuuuuuuuuuu kau sgt. and yesyes. kau mesti ingat jigak aper kite buat. asek2 kacao kakak kau jekk. peh kental, kiter...hahha.lastly,

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♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, March 21, 2009

i got 2 dedicated post today!
oh! today was oh-so-fun! teehee. i have alot alot alot to share luhh :D
oh and i've got two dedicated post. one fr idah sayang and the other for Nurie :D
haizzz. today there's pizza party :D veh veh veh fun lah sial! hahaha :D the pizza was awesome :D great hosting too, reyanna :D teehee. i want the cinammon pizza still ya know! i really do! its so... one in a million :D hhahaha. and yeah it was awesome! hahahaha. ok i have like two more post to go. and btw, comp sumtink wrong. cnnt open blogger. and im using lappies and! im having fking cramps! shit lahh!


♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

The world would be so lonely, in sunny hours or gray. Without the gift of friendship, to help us every day...
haizzzz... today is alex's birthday, and i forget. how bastard can a friend be?? tell me lahh!haiyer, i think im one of the last to wish her, after she drops alot of hints on me. wtfudge!? sorry alexis. oops i meant alexzndria. hahah. omg alex. HAPPY 16th Birthday! as i said, a year older, a year weirder whaaaaat! hahahah! big laughs on tht! -.-" ... hahahaha. i love you, tho you're weird, super lame and super mcr fan. and twilight. and paramore. and art..s'kay. i love you still, coz you're my friend :) ily babe!
fellow readers, sorry i didn't post ystd. i was tired lahhs. i gt YOG camp. and i flunked it. omg. so sad :(. i really want to be part of it! but s'kay. hahahha. and then, went fr lunch with rubini, natasha and sharifah at ps. and i swear that sharifah is annoying. super! like annoys me very much lah! bt s'kay. we had funns. haha. bt will be much more, without her and her big mouth ard! teehee. and then went home ard 5+. i meant reached. yeahs. and then mummy called to accompany her go Singapore Expo for Halal food carnival. haha. alot of food samples. me likey! hahaha. bought alot of food. happy happy. thts all. went hme, and slept -.-! hahahha!
then todays, wake up ard 10-ish. bathed. am suppose to eat tht memory booster b4 breakfast.. but oopsies...hhahahha.. -.-! the reason i have to eat tht memory booster? hahahha. anyshaws. Nurie wants me to have a higher class of a taste. hey! he is HOT! wait. HE defines hot. omigiiiiieeeeez. *drools*. hahaha. am suppose to follow mummy go Expo again, for popular carnival. bt too lazy and besides kak nirah is too tired to go too. and like, hey, there's nutink wrong in accompanying her. some more. my menses is here. i hate it. but... every Woman have to go through this whaaaat -.-
Oh! and and! tomorrow is nurie bbg's birthday. hahaha. she must be excited huh? teehee. i've told her tht im giving th present on monday. cn she wait? she have to! hahahha. tmrw she's gg somewhr with th guys and fatin, her cuzz. wait, i rmmbred. its pasir ris? hahahah. -.- haiyerrrr. i want to follow too. bt i cnt, coz i gt other plans. which is...(on next paragraph)... whatever it is, nurie, i love you still like amirah loves candyfloss. wait wrong... like amirah loves...hmm...lets c.. oh ya! tht's it! like amirah loves nurie! truckloads babe, truckloads! teehee. have fun tmrw kayy? and im as dissapointed as you are abt c.o.f. bt its a globalised world (-.-) hahaha. everitink have to change :) for the better? idk.
and and! tmrw! there's cheerleading party at rey's place! yay! cnt wait! teehee. the only problem is... WHAT TO WEAR!?!?!?!? oh fudge. im gg with fattytynn and sajiji. saji have no problem coz she's frm school. me and tin tin? farqqqs larh cheeebye. hahahahaha. idk!!!! ok. i'll just wear the tube dress?ok set. tube dress it is :) ok. byee! gtg. and omg! i still haven't finish hwk -.-! farqers larhhh!
Byees. toodles!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, March 20, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Heyyyys =]
This is my second post for the dayy.im bored luhhs. teeheee. i love my friends. they just make my day =] now, its bearable enuff, for me to go thru.. yessuh. yessuh. three bags full. teehee. currently, videocalling with kimmie dearest =] yessuh.hahaha. i like making this emoticon -.-.. so funny!anyshaws, i keep mixing rey and jazzy. so farnie. hahahaha. big laughs on that! hahaha =] and nurie and me got bad eye sore sia! hahaa. only god knows why. hahah =] hahaaaa. i miss laughing. wait. i've been laughing alot lately. andand, i gt YOG camp tmrw. yayness? no! coz kimmy bbg is not gg :( she gt math and ss class....haiz.. have fun? haizz.. s'kay. i'll just entertain myself to death then...:'( okok. i gtg wait for mummy to come home with nasi lemak -.- ! im hungry for goodness sakes!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A true FRIEND stabs you in the front;
Today was awesome =] studied with my peepies. and i realize, my language is not strong. both some more. how how? it feels so awkward blogging in malay. teehee. farq larhs! hahaha =] i like my new tagboard made by nurie =] hahahah. and omigieeeez, the font, abit small huh? hahahah. squint your eyes to read. hmm.. today was awesome-ness. nearly complete my math! wee~! teehee. and oh! i spent nearly $20..on dunno WHAT! like wtfudge mann! urgh. niwaysss. look forward for this sat! there's partyyyyy =] teehee. and and, its my good friend's birthday tooo! i already gt your present. i'll give on monday ok? as explained =] teehee. and omigieeeeeeeeeeeez. im supah dupah tripah bored larhs cans? hahahha. fark. idk why, bt i find myself bloghopping most of the time. and some cheebskaters go and use my email add for some farking starf. so annoying. urgh! andand. kak nirah's birthda is coming, and idk what to giveeee! howow? s'kay. chill. 9 more days whaaaat..! hahha. and ppl, sorry for not linking, its just that, i dun give a damn anymore. ppl keep changing their URL, and! ppl keep asking me to link. to lazy. i dun mind you not linking me whaaaaaaaaaaat =]. and, omigieeeeeeeeeez. im soooooo sedih still . i cnt smile like before. bt s'kay, work with what i have? yesyes. and omg. my adek so cute.
Aidil : kakak, pakaikan adil ni.
me: ok, kiss dulu
aidil: tadikan, adil nampak kakak pegy skola. adil bedek2 tido nti mama marah. (do the sleeping action)
I was laughing. haha. he is weird. he may be cute but he can be SUPAH DUPAH TRIPAH annoying too. oh brother.hehe.and he dislikes my blog song. and LOVE marie's gee song. sheesh. wtfudge!!?.. okok. im supah dupah tripah bored, i'll find someone to talk to in MSN. teehee. love ya readers. =] byeees =]
♥ Stops Traffic @
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

When it hurts to look back;
and yet very scared to look ahead,
just look beside you;
and i'll be there =]
omigieeeeeez. im feeling to the lowest right now. like crappy shitters. seriously. look at all my latest pictures, its ugly! and i cnt smile like i use to. it won't be the same and won't be as nice. i wanna go back, to my not-so-pretty smile, that to me, is pretty enough. i dun care anymore what ppl wanna say. i want my OLD smile backk. fuck. im in tears. you cnt just turn back time and get what you want, it don't works that way. and again im feeling lowww!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

THANKS, Friends =]
today is a not-so-heavy-pictures post. teehee. enjoys =]




My Friend =]

♥ Stops Traffic @
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Friends are like crayons;
They colour our lives,
I may not be your fav colour;
but hope u will need me to complete your picture one day.
heyho! today is boring!!!! haizz... i did dome edits from the picture nurie sent. only two luhh =] teehee. thanks nurie =] love ya very very very much =]. have fun today =]
♥ Stops Traffic @
Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Don't do this to me;
you make me fall over time
Life has been crappy. no surprise there. you want it, you cnt get it. you forget abt it, and there it is. its ups and downs. i want it to "oh, my life's been great and couldn't be better!" but now, its "oh, its ok, has its ups and downs though". i want to keep what i have, and not lose or drop anyone along the way. its a painful experience, and i have not stop cursing myself since then. i've been a total dissapointment to much ppl lately. being this and being that. being who i am, basically. honestly, i gave up. but nurie kept me going. she was there. bt wht abt me? fuck, crap. i hate myself. im dissapointed in myself too. believe me, i do. ironic. i used the word believe me. it doesn't work that way nimore. its different. now. haiyerrr. crapshit. i think im thinking too much again. idk. pls. someone, just pls bring me to my dreamland, where everything falls into place and i dun have to worry about anything. pls. bring me away, in my dreams. where nick jonas is waiting. where my bed is made of chocolate. and there's no ants around. bring me bring me bring me. no one wants to take me now. well, that's just life, i guess. :( you dun like it, bt you have to go through it. so now, instead of saying shit, i'll say life. coz my life ain't that awesome ya know.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Just Some Quick Updates :
mummy cooked chicken soup today. it was urm....abit TOO SALTY! and at the dining table, no one dares give a comment. we know mummy too well. she'll just give the long face! super annoying, and all the way, she was asking. "sedap kan? sedap kan?". everyone just nods and look at each other and laugh! hahahaha. mummy's antiques are priceless! and here's a conversation of me, mum and sis. so annoying!

iera says:
i noe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he says she says:
iera says:
oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
he says she says:

maria has been added to the conversation.

he says she says:
now, mama can annoy both you and me =]
iera says:
mmg ....
geram la
maria winks:
Play "Laugh"
maria says:
shut up u
he says she says:
oh shucks
maria winks:
Play "Red Monster"
maria says:
he says she says:

maria just sent you a nudge.

iera winks:
Play "Dancer"
maria says:
maria winks:
Play "Bow"
iera says:
thnk q thk q
he says she says:
annoying nyerr!
maria says:
shut up u spirit
maria winks:
Play "Frog"
maria says:

maria just sent you a nudge.

he says she says:
JANGAN nudge.
iera says:
kak mariah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jgn nudge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maria says:
nudge tu apa ehhhh
iera winks:
Play "Knock"
maria says:
jgn nudgeeeee
iera says:
yg vibrate tu nudge la kak...

iera just sent you a nudge.

maria says:
yg gini ehhh

maria just sent you a nudge.

iera says:
haiyo u argh!!!!!!!!!
maria says:
seeee tu ap eh
iera says:
siow char boa
maria says:
argh tu apa benda plak
iera says:
crazy spirit women...
he says she says:
maria says:
spirit tu apa plak
iera says:
spirit tu ade kat sebelah akak...
maria says:
tu laki aku ....takan plak dia spirit..spirit tu bdan bsr n hitam mcm laki aku k

maria just sent you a nudge.

iera says:
mungkin la...
yah lupe lak laki akak ade dgn akak
ingat ponti ponti!!!!!!!!!!!!
sooooo annoying, both of them!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, March 14, 2009

omigieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez! girls, sorry for the msg ystd. i was half asleep. thus the stupid msg. sorry :P. i really thought it was a dream. teehee. its REALITY ! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! anyhooos, i found the SNSD karaoke version =] nice. i like.. also, the CLIQUE GIRLZ. awesome =] woman power reigns th world? nahhhh. idk and idc, as long as im living happily =] bye!
♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

omg omg omg! where should i start!?!?!?
today is like super duper super super exciting. like omg! =] all the hard work paid off! we finally made it through, though i screwed up alot alot alot of times(oops), we still make it =] congrats gheleno~!(inside joke). hahahahha. btw guys, the boards was suppose to be like dat! gheleno! figure what it means then come tell me ok? hahahha! super super super super fun! we had fun didn't we!? and! we won! =] first first first =] awsome much!? i know!!!!!!
cheerleaders:helen, lemme hear you scream!!!~
cheerleaders: wooooooooooooooooh(body impact thingy)
super super fun i swear!
and and!
yessuh! its here =]
first, im looking forward to all the parties!
second, study time with elly and all.
third, i have to get ALL my hwk done!!!!
now, its MY break. i wanna breakaway from everything =]
hahhaa. im tired, and am still staring at the trophy. haha, and and.
i will post the pictures abit later ok gerls, guys, and everything else =]
♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, March 13, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

i misses the hugs, and laughters,
its a lil too late for everything now...
today was ok, i concentrate in class, how awesome?hard to believe right? hmm. got tons of hwks. and u knw what i feel like doing? studying during the march hols. yepp! study! cmon, study buddy =] hahaha. hard to believe, but you just have to. im gonna go through this once and never again. enjoy every moment in life, all the ups and downs, coz its what makes your life, YOUR life! =] see? see things in a different way. i may make a mistake now, but its for a BETTER future. see? omigay, im so gay. ppl may hate me now, for all i care. its me. its just me. im annoying, i swear. bt who knows whats coming next!? who knows i might just change?! who!? not me, dun think you would. =] lets just cherish every moment that we have, one tragedy leads to another person's happy ending. i cnt rmmbr where i gt tht from, bt its from some website =] i am tired. i need to get rest . so? chiaoz.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

one after another;
when am i gonna change?
mannn, im a bitch, and it sucks. they go, one after another. can someone take my place pls?
i hate it. i wanna change place, with anyone but me. this phase of life, i just hate. urgh! haiyo. have you been in a situation whereby, you realise your mistake only after that!? like wtf! so annoying. so much, so much, and i still hadn't realise. shall remain unaffected? idk. idk. idk. i hate it i hate it i hate it. pls someone, take me to an island/country/wherever you like as long as no one knows me. i hate it i hate it i hate it. fuck, im dissapointed in myself. so much of changing. i am fking annoying. and am fking bad friend. bt im a good bitch, the best actually. fuck, ppl, stay away frm me, lest i hurt you even more. it hurts, actually no, it makes me feel damn guilty when ive done alot, and you were always there for me. how guilty i was, only god knows. fuck. ppl, just stay away frm me. im a distraction frm evritink. just stay away. i dun want anyone to get hurt. pls, just go. pls? i beg you? pls.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009

THANK YOU very much.
i dun know how else to thank you. and i hope, evritink's gonna be back like pastimes, when we were just you me and her. as in, you, me and nurie.as in reg, me, and nurie. and i understand that the trust you had to me ain't gonna be the same. its ok.
and the rest, lets just pray and hope fr the best that i do not repeat the same mistake again. i regretted. i learn from my mistake, and i could only wish for the best.
once again, thanks for forgiving me reg. i was stupid.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, March 07, 2009

its very sad to wake up and realize that it was all a dream. i dreamt, evritink was back to normal. how i wish i cud turn back time. bt then, i wouldn't have realize my mistake. i want t turn back and still learn my mistake and not hurt anyone. bt its just not possible. honestly, yes im immature. and i hate myself for acting that way. urgh! friends, i'll understand if you stay away from me. it makes sense, and its reasonable. dun let me hurt you pls. i love all of you but sumtimes my reactions hurts. i just wish, ppl can stay away from me, prevent yourself from getting hurt. pls, let this be my wish. i'll be more than happy, if you're safe. and not get hurt by me at least. pls? thank you and god bless.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, March 07, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

i am lost. lost in a trance. what is trance? idk myself. teehee. life have been gg up and down. ok. here comes from the bottom of my heart. whether you believe my evry word of mine or not, its your choice, coz i know its very hard to trust me again. i KNOW im in the wrong, and im very sorry. And friends, thanks for making me realise my wrongdoings. and thanks for making me realise and wake up, reg, shaks, fatin, alex, shasha, syahira, nurie and all the others, i now realised and i'll try my best not to repeat the same mistake. im sorry, i've hurt you much. and i'm very sorry to all. i cnt look up anymore. im ashamed. i guess, every choice have consequences huh? other than that, cheerleading was ok, cca was fun. im tired. gg off. sorry all and bye.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, March 06, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

knowing that you were there for me was enough, and im sorry.
its just too much fr me to handle, and i didnt turn the table on you. i just think that why must all the comments be now? like when shakinah told me off, why not earlier? why must all at once? like i dun get it. i really really really like you as my friend and only nurie knows how much i really do appreciate you. i admit, i was being a bitch, but i nvr betrayed you. im sorry i gave you that face, and it was all out of anger. i need you. you are one of my friends taht keep me going. im sorry. i need you back.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Thursday, March 05, 2009

everything's fine now. shaks and i have cleared out things. and to all, im sorry i was being a bitch, but you have to agree yourself that sometimes, everyone is. right? and im sorry, if you feel that i have hurt you in some way. im just a bitch. sorry i gave you "the" face. sorry i didn't appreciate your comments. sorry. i need you. and i dun use you. i need you as my friend. a huge impact that you left, you were one of the best. it really hurts when you said those words and its damn obvious you're talking about me. so like, i know i make a mistake, and im sorry, whether im forgiven? idc. i just need you back in my life as my friend. you were a great friend, and i need you to be that way.
much love, mirah.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Thursday, March 05, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

i'm TIRED! I SWEAR!but.... i have a whole lotta fun ;D
HEATS was ok. HEATS made up the whole day actually. the fact that i got double-os for my math bring me down. i gt a whole lotta careless mistakes.like SHIT. urgh. but its over and done with....so, learn frm my mistakes and look forward fr the next test so tht i can do better ;D yes. i may get a double digit now. i'll get a passing mark the next time ;D.. work hard and determine fr the best.. anw, HEATS was hilarious. we disturb lots of people and start giving them name based on their faces? hahah. weird? i know. we, i meant ELAINE, CINDY, VERON. yeahp. anyone who walk pass we'll try to figure out a name and shout and see whether the person turns. and we mostly gets it wrong! hahahah. so i went to check their nametag instead. hahaha. LOSER!
hahahha. ok, i miss my cuzzin a whole lot. so the following next two paragraph is fr them.. ;D its in malay. go find a person to translate if you really want t know the meaning!haha.
aku sayaaaaaaang kau. and aku sungguh sungguh RINDU keberadaan mu disisi. sejak due menjak kau jadi minah nie, aku nk ckp mcm biase, tkt kau tk faham plak kan!hahahah. so, aku jiwang kan cket lurhhs! hahah joking sayang. aku sayaaaaang kau. aku tau.. kau sayaang aku jgk ;D and aku rinduuuuu kau tersangat sangat. kalau aku jumpe kau, aku TROS pelok kau! aku rinduuuu. sumpah, aku rinduuu. aku ketawe oii biler tringat ni " dwuw. do what you want" itupun... kalau kau ingat. aku sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang kau and aku appreciate evry moment yang kiter spend together dulu ;D ok? meet up soon. love ya.
fiidaa sayaaang, aku tau. kau nyer bday bsok which is 5th march !!! aku tau and aku ingat! and aku tersangat sangat lah sayang kau jugakk! aku rinduuuu kau jgak. kau ni! tak abes2 biken aku ketawe kalau jumper. nk amek gamba lahh, nk masakk lahh, terjatoh luhh! kau ni. mrepeyk! tapi ke-merepek-an kau ni yang aku kenang2 biler kiter jarang bertemu. waaaahsehhhh! berfalsafah lah plak aku ni! hahaha. okok. your birthday wish: aku doa kan kau panjang umur, murah rezeki, dan moga kau berjaya dalam segala2 yang kau sertai. ;D aku syaaaang kau. kalau dh berjaya jgn luper sedare haaa! hahaha. sayaaaaaaaaaaang kau. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ;D
thts all fr today. thanks fr spending time to read my post. much love, MirahSmall!

♥ Stops Traffic @
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

today has been an awesome one. pls let this be continuos. a lil bit longer and i'll be fine. let me live this way, dear god.

♥ Stops Traffic @
Monday, March 02, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

i think this song just describes me.

being comlpicated.

acting like somebody else which i am not.

i never would want to fake it like anybody else.

♥ Stops Traffic @
Sunday, March 01, 2009

"i just called to say...iloveyou"
uhuh, you gt it right. Everyday i reach out for the telephone, you may think i'm just there to make your day worse, bt i just called, to say, i love you.. Everyday, when i see you, i called, just to say, i love you...
babygirls, im sorry i irritate you so much these few weeks with me not bringing stuff, and bother you guys. thanks fr making me realise, urm, i'm like super addicted to this song. "i just called to say...i love you" haha. i know i know. so classical. oh wells, tht's just amirah, dun u think? amirah is soooo out of box luh, and she cn she cn sidetrack like ANYTIME, anywhere and anyhow...
mummy is gg johore with granny, tht leaves me and sis to be incharge of the house and AIDIL.big responsible fr such a young child at a young age, yes, i'm referring to me.. teehee. and i gt ironing to do.. and study also.. so plan fr today is iron, eat, hwk/study. then off to sleep. mummy's been scolding me on my eyebag. she said sumtink bout im young and i shud look fresh or sth. couldn't be bothered much. "masuk telinga kanan, keluar telinga kiri" sorry ma. teehee. well, off for now. im tired still and i love my bbgs. hahaha, though at times they DO live me out, i love them still. and i know you do, its just tht at times you forget that im there, watching you guys do stuffs together and leaving me out. i should have been immune to the feeling by now, bt it just keeps hurting and leaving a dent in the heart everytime it happens. oh well, i gotta learn to be insensitive. so? haiyerr. love, be gone.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Sunday, March 01, 2009


Mirah ! :D
Fifthteen , 211293 . Happily single (:
(L)to make new friends :]
guys are bastards.
just add me up at msn, if you wanna know more!
spammers are welcome. i WILL entertain! (:

MSN | FRIENDSTER Dont judge me tomorrow by the way I'm acting today .

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Speak up!

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Alexzndria! Elaine Fatin Nurie! Mira! Iidah! Reginal! Marie! Ain! Melissa! Jessalyn Syahira Shasharina Shakinah Aiishah Ain! Melissa! Jessalyn Syahira Shasharina Shakinah Aiishah