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Friday, July 31, 2009

;Finally friday came
teehee. mirah super duper tired today :( hahaha. but y'know what ? today's friday ! so *thumbsup* ! hahahah. gerekkk pahhh kwn2 ? hahah. currently im at school siao. hahah. dammmn meeting -.-" stupid meeting -.-" hahaha. niwayyyys. gave aiishah her card liaoooos :) hope she likes it :) teehee. and OMG, i FORGOT to tell you sth ystd ? there's 2 types of hots ! ONE, the hot mats, TWO, the hot good guys. i just like it when the guy gets a lil bit of both. teehe. ok, i wanna pee badly. bye, c u later alligator. will be blogging at home. wait for my 2nd post ok ? ok. love ya'll ;DD
♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, July 31, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009

;what for love ? to impress ? then that's bs baby, just bs :)

omg ! blog readers ! i gt alot to share. well not to tell you lah, for my own, i got alot to write down :) teehee. first thing first, i don't have nice, new editted pictures. hurry take picture with me ! then i cn editt ! teehee ! :) secondly, OMG. aiishah's birthday is this sunday !!! must wish her okayyyy ! :) haha. 16 liao. so funn :( im still... 15 ? hahaha. so. young ? hahaha. dammit. thirdly, ennough numbering alrdy ! gt alot to tell ! the numbers just won't end ! haha. school had been great. looks forward to school :) however, the hwks are killing. well, there are not much hwk, just that hwks plus revision means tons of things to do. really tiring. everyday is the same thing again. and again. and again. and omg guys. i just think that there is no need to love :) for now ? na'ah ! i mean, now ? love for what ? to show off ? then that's not love at all ! that's to impress, a whole diff story ! then, that equates to bullshit baby, just bullshit ! :) and another thing, now that im not crushing on alyph sleeq anymore, it's just so easy to be me, be stupendously smartatious :) there's no need to have those "omg! did he reply? omg! do you think he notice me?" kinda thing. na'ah. dunnid those. teehee. and another thing, have you felt like you are walking, you realise evritink around you, but then your mind is like elsewhere? anywhere but there? yeah ! that's xactly what happened to me ! on my way home! my head was anywhere, but not there, till i was about to bang into a wall ! ridiculous mirah ! -.-"and another thing oh fellow blog readers of mine, i've grown, yes proud to say i've grown ! from 123 cm in sec 1, now im 147-149cm in sec 4 ! yes, nothing is impossible! except for alyph,that's a big no-no. hahaha ! he's still cute. haha. go to my track, click next, 2nd song ! listen okay, :) it's the nicest thanggg :)okay, this is quite a long post don't ya think ? but i haven't finish yet, cos i wanna tell bout today. today, it was draggy :( but overall, it was okay :) i wonder how i score for my math test ? gosh ! and btw, hard to believe, bt i alrdy start revising :) thanks friends for the encouragement to drive me on. and currently, there's so many conv open ! im so happy ! yay ! there's mimi, fana, aiishah, mel, and shasha :) and shasha, if you're reading this, im telling you, "i sayang apit jugak !" :)haha. suker irritate kau ! :) haha. ok loves. byee !:)taccaire ! and support chirul my love okay ? teehee.

♥ Stops Traffic @
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

;Hello sayangs!
amcm ? got miss me anod ? haha. ok, first thing first, forget ystd, today's awesomeness made up for it ! yay ! jannah (sleeq's fan (:) just like me, was crapping ! swears! and it just brightens up my day ! haha! crious! wnna know what ?! dun wanna tell uhh sia ! haha. so yeah. so what ? he's no longer MY a, he's still cute !! right !? right ?! and besides, he makes great music! lemme rephrase that ! THEY makes great music ! better ? teehee. and oh am gee ! the song impianku is stuck in my head. thanks huh -.-" oh and not to forget. my mum's going gaga cos she's meeting "her" FARREL -.-" on a hi-tea event, while im looking forward to look for MY mas denis (: ooh cuteness ! haha, ok. im a sucka for cute guys, im sure you guys know that by now ! haha. today class was hilarious o.0. mel love didn't come :( nehminndddd. get well soon and come back okay ? oh btw, hows the steamboat !? haha -.-" niwayss. waaah. THAT cousin of mine, can be annoying hor! during lecture can MSN with me ! AND complain about his boredom. seriously cn just kill him sia! -.-" oh oh ! alyph is still cute. omigahh ! :P i know i know, not suppose to ! but its not like he's reading my blog whaaaat ~ ! -.-" soooo ! my fault mehh that he's too cute ? my fault mehhh ? no whattt ! :) oh! & if you can c, my smiley face is all around, upside down. teehee. crazyyy uhh ?! hahah. teehee. omigahhh. i (L) alyph sleeq, and sleeq itself, take me awayyyyy ! now ! either that, or... hahah. ok nth, ok. currently, enjoying my honeydew ice blended and ! ohmigahh ! you guys notice sth, dear daily blog readers of mine ? i started editting agn ! yay ! happy anod ?! ((: haha. ok love ya'll ! taccaire little peoplets of mine (:
♥ Stops Traffic @
Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

;don't even ask whether i'm ok, cos i'm not !
ok great. just great to start off my sunday morning :'( Alyph sleeq is seeing someone ! yay ~ ! :( isn't that great ? just another reason to not like him :'( gosh. ok congrats. mirah just fall into deep shit. and is veh veh sad. thanks huh. and to aiishah, congrats on your editted photo thingy. so our battle ends. so my war is over. so my story is back to the normal, wake up and look for nutink. :( yay mirah. heartbreaks like siao. ok. thanks. sighhhh. from now on, just think that mirah, the one crazy for alyph, crushing for alyph, just NEVER exist ok :] ok. mirah's back to mirah the annoying one. thanks. i gain back my status. Alyph's cuteness is undenyable ! :( he's still cute. just go with me :] so, congrats, no more alyph's post after this. yay mirah. so you guys are finally saved from my endless blabbering bout alyph. congrats. mirah's off to find chocolate. to increase her happy genes. YAY :'(( talk to me on MSN or twitter. bye. love ya'll.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009

;Ain't about later.
hello :]] first of all, had a tiring day out and about. sighhhhhh. back at home. so relieved ? yeahh.. sighhhhh. ok. nobody's online ! thanks uhhh -.-" 2nd thing, follow me at twitter lehhh. lemme flood your home page with my every-second-updates :]] so kind huh ? :]] yay-uhhh ! just realise something, i am tooooooo shy to complete my sentences in front of my crush. so not me. whattheefff ??? so not mirah. but no worries lorhh, the crushing is fading very fast. that is...if i never meet him again -.-" omg. swears. i dun wanna c him fr the time being, maybe look from farrr :] so shy :x. im like. unrecognisable. like. small annoying kid. dannggggg. and O M G ! guess what it says on my horoscopee ? "Love:Keeping your feelings secret for too long is not something you can afford". whattheeffff ? say sth ? to my crush ? about my crush ? whattheeffff ? never ! na'ah ! NEVER. read my lips. :]] it said never :] let it just be a an admirer frm far, how bout that ? :]] gosh. nobody understands. gosh, he's the "greatest treasure that i found" :] and i "could be the colours in the sky" :]] ohhhhhh. that'll b awesome. too bad too sad :]] niwayys. that'd fr today. mirah today too tired, take picture not nice. danggggg. hehe. pinjam orng punyer ^^. tKMO marahh uhhh :]] and to nurul :] jannah ? :] taccaire :] get well soon. :]] ok, to all, love ya'll !

♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

;shawty just wants to company, somebody to accompany
cool cool. :] i've been linked at sleeq's blog. :] teehee. and now i think i made a mistake, what if ALYPH ever visit my blog ? that'd be embarassing won't it ? cos it's full of him. gosh :O gosh. let's pray he won't visit k ? teehee. one more thing before mirah sign outs, i wished "untuk dia" was dedicated fo me . :P just go through my player ok ? sleeq's song's is all in :] well not all, but my favs lorhhh. and for the lovely ladies who tag my board, link very very soon. terlalu lazy luhh dearies :]]
♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, July 24, 2009

;Wishes don't come true.
no no no. im not discouraging you to not believe in dreams. it may come true to you, but not for me lovelies. :] well. different ppl, different outcomes :] for once, i wished he was mine, but that ain't coming true right ? HAHA. and omgomg. i wen thru fb pictures. say o-m-g with me. swears. alyph can never get any cuter. swears. he's so cute, that even YOU PEOPLETS can't deny it lahhh ~ ! omg. *melts* yay ! today's friday ! weekends coming ! nyahaha. to those whose concern abt my finger, thanks. :] hearts ya'll . it's getting better now, thanks fo the love bbygs :] i wish alyph visit my blog. but then, it would be embarassing. cos i write too much abt him xD . haha. don't ever get alyph to visit my blog. i'd be fking embarrased ! :( dun ok ! :] niwaysss. today ok lahh. im suppose to iron the clothes. bt gt phobia. how how !? :( and girls, boys whtevas, mirah ain't about later. wish i could go fo sleeq's stuff like TKC this sat or rentak singapura. but i really ought to get my head in studies now. sorry loves. :( haha. it's not like they're reading my blog that i'm writing sorry all. whtevs. gt surprise plans. aiishah love gonna help. thanks love :] back at MSN and twitter. and i swear alyph sleeps all the way -.-" lol. i can gossip here. cos he ain't never gonna find out ! :] love ya'll . back to sleep soon. txt me !
♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

to minah-minah yang claim they fan, tolonglah. tkmo malukan diri sendiri kalau name dier pon korang tak tau ! blahhh . niways. today was sick at home. cnt even lift my head. to heavy. migraine. well. i gt 2 days mc ! :]] haha. resttttt ! and i still think alyph's cute. swears. needa find time needa find time. need to find for abg fad. impt ! :P haha. ohhh. did i mention ? i want like a house, with a rooftop access where i cn view the stars whenever :] and then the song 'you are not alone' is playing in my head ! ohhh. gosh. perfect right ? i wish i gt home school then i have more time to go fo' sleeq's stuff. :( s'kay s'kay. like alyph said, study first. priority. *melts*. did i say he's cute? imma say it agn. he's cute ! he doesn't even look 20 lahhh ! and i don't look 16. :( haha. whtevs. alyph soooo cute ! :( haha. i wish i was taller, richer, slimmer, PRETTY ! but that aint' gonna come true right ? so gotta stop dreaming gotta stop dreaming. && OMG ! i burnt my fingers -.-" 4 of it. so typing with one hand. thanks uh iron. stupid iron. -.-" sorry guys, my blog is full of alyph. dont like? bleh blahhhh uhh ~ !

♥ Stops Traffic @
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yesterday sums up to the best night ever ;

i thought it wouldn't pass that fast, but it did. :(

but niways. had a wholesome of fun :]

aiishah was funny. well . yeah. but sometimes, tak kasi warning. can just kill her.

but other than that. it was funfunfun. and i swear he looks cute in person. much much cuter.

and and, he's cute. whoops. said that alrdy.

i'm sure you know who im talking about.

i've been blabbering this for weeks ! countdowns and all.

oh !! && we got new friends, but we didn't get their name :P

but they're pretty ! :]

haha. ok. so yeah. he's cute. swears.

i think idk this is the how many times i said that alrdy. crious siaoo !

hearts him even even more ! teehee.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I wanna be 18 in a hurry !
-driving license.
-near 20. (:P)
♥ Stops Traffic @
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

3 more bloody days. cant wait !
ok like its totally normal, but its not.
Life's like shiyt lately. and only tuesday can make up for it.
pinning up HIGHEST hopes on tuesday.
just come back safe, and i'll be happy guys :]
Do not ask me why ! if you're my friend, you should know why by now ! oh m g !
school's a bore, except fr friends that Always make up to whtever. lols. i talk crap. niwayyys. omg. fcking pain uhh. flu's gonna go away soon. i know. i feel it, it's not as painful. and cramps are here. fxk. niways. when i was hit by the flu, i was wondering " am i gg through the Change like the book in "marked" ? " lols. i know, crap. alex, don't laugh. i was just wondering whaaaat ~ !
cnt wait for monday to start on th 3rd book. and then, the next day will be tuesday. oh m g ! cant wait. love ya'll !
♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, July 17, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

; I gt sooooo many things to share !
1. Had a great week at school
totally awesome. except for that sister thang. kill her ! mum's annoyed at her. and i'm annoyed at mum. kill them -.-" fatin and shasha and jess and mel and the rest was funny, always making me laugh -.-" haha especially fatin. grr. "takmo mess uh sia ~ !" and "takmo ketawe byk2 nti nangis oii" but we laughed anyway, and it was hxc laugh ! LOL !
2. Started getting addicted to the vampyre book
dammn ! lemme tell you, its awesome ttm ! like totally !!! its superrr intersting ! go grab one, or... just ask from my "walking library" also known as artsy fartsy alex. she have the BEST i meant awesome-est book with her. haha. ask her if you don't believe me. ! like srsly.
3. Aiishah gt to meet fav boy alyph :(
yesyes.happy for her. but still sad for me. you know what i feel like doing ? kill her -.-" now ! seriously, she put "their" picture as her dp ! just to irritate me ! really ! just kill her ! swears ! but no werry. im not as obssessed with alyph as i had earlier. no doubt. got over it fast ! :]] proud of myself ! yay ! haha. lol.
4. i think i'd fall for that kinda guy.
dammmn. just as i started to think i was free fromt his guy shitz. this feeling came crawling rick back. kill it ! :( i hate life. it's sucha hypocrite . kill it. omigieez .
5. MJ's this and that. dammits;
my lil brother bought the mj tour for thriller dvd. dammit. he plays it on a repeat over and over again. kill him. and mj. whoops. long gone. :( i miss his crotch-grabbing-moonwalking-children-crisis self. not forgetting the defy gravity lean. :( he's taken too early, but God loves him more. so beat it !
♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

; Get this clear, im so over you
aku yang patut, aku yang patut
memberinya segala
kerna aku mampu, ya aku mampu
melakukan apa apa saja untuk dia
pasti iri hati melihat mereka berpimpin tangan,
jgn putus as, tapi jgn jahat pula,
kalau ingin putuskan hubungan mereka,
lupakan sudah, sekarang juga
hello friends . 1stly, get this clear. i didn't went anywhere except fr pasir ris ! grr ! i was in Singapore the whole time ! niways. not feeling well . u guys taccaire. see you tmrw ! :))

♥ Stops Traffic @
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009

♥ Stops Traffic @
Sunday, July 05, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009

;spontaniety is just another word for unpredictability
hello loves :]] haha. today was sooooo tiring ! followed granny to geylang, on one condition ! buy me the ClassiQ ! haha. which she did ! :P sayanggg granny ! wanted to buy that disc sooooo soooo much ! but tak cukop ! :'( so nenek bought for me ! sayanggg her ! haha. had arnold's ! :]] texted fafa, lylynn, mel.. cos was uber bored while waiting for our turn there. the queue was OMG ! camwhore with little brother todayy ! he's sooo moody ! :( ahhaa. but couldnt upload the photos because of the stupid phone !:'( . sooooo tired ! sighh ... super bored. super tired. im a super girl. HAHAH. that was taik. hahah ! oklahhh . and just one thing. im happy with the way i am. easy-going. free and easy. single but not available :]] cos studies come first ? :]]
♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, July 04, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

I (L) Alyph SleeQ !
;but the feeling's fading slowly as i realise he will never be mine :'(
heyy lovelies. im sooooo sad ! cos i reality just hit me. he can never be mine :( he's a somebody, i'm a nobody ! nak nanges !so badly ! :'( i hope one day , i will be pretty ! :( then i can confess my feelings, when I'M SOOOO OVER HIM. bt not now ! walaooo , wanna cry sia. however, i'll still support SleeQ. they're my homie !:]] oh btw, o level oral ! flunked, screwed ! dammits. whatever happen to my malay !? went to compassvale sec and got lost ! wtf !? the school soo big sia ! i wish that was my school ! :]] niways , i still hearts alyph ! whether he knows it or not. i will hearts him until the real heartthrob comes by :]] eh eh ~ hahaha ! btw. today someone pai tao me siaoo. who uhh ?
♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, July 03, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

;i wanna be the one ! [among the thousands]
"pilihlah aku,
Aku ada segala yang kau mahu,
pilihlah aku !"
SEDIH ! sad! and dnt wish to talk to anyone right now ! i just realise that there's thousands more out there yang crushing on alyph jugak !!! :'( not meant to be means not meant to be lorr, tapi aku tkkn pernah "sembunyi" k! :'((( dnt feel like posting much today :((( bye. sayang korang sumer !
♥ Stops Traffic @
Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Mirah ! :D
Fifthteen , 211293 . Happily single (:
(L)to make new friends :]
guys are bastards.
just add me up at msn, if you wanna know more!
spammers are welcome. i WILL entertain! (:

MSN | FRIENDSTER Dont judge me tomorrow by the way I'm acting today .

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Speak up!

click to tagg :)

Alexzndria! Elaine Fatin Nurie! Mira! Iidah! Reginal! Marie! Ain! Melissa! Jessalyn Syahira Shasharina Shakinah Aiishah Ain! Melissa! Jessalyn Syahira Shasharina Shakinah Aiishah