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Monday, August 31, 2009

Teachers are like Candles that consume itself, to light others
“…Had to drive me everywhere,
You were always there when I look back.
You had to do it all alone,
Make a living make a home,
Must have been as hard as it could be.
And when I couldn’t sleep at night,
Scared things wouldn’t turn out right,
You would hold my hand and sing to me.
Caterpillar in the tree,
How you’ll wonder who you’ll be ?
Can’t go far, but you can always dream,
Wish you may and wish you might,
Don’t you worry hold on tight,
I promise you there will come a day,
Butterfly fly away….”

Thank you teachers, from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for guiding me through my days, hard and easy, you were always there. Thanks for being my family at my second house, thanks for scolding me when I was wrong. Thanks for everything. I appreciate it all. Love ya’ll.

Enough of that ! heeee :) today was fun. Or so I thought. Cried for 5 seconds to those who noticed. And no, it’s not cause im touched cos sister said “you are all mine”, syhr -.- haha. Whaaaat only. The performance by students were just plain no link to teachers day -.- whaaaaat only. Its not talentime for goodness sake ! dammmn -.- our clique would have performed better ! right girls ? heeee :) now, currently, lappy is being a bitch ! grrrr. Slow like shitxzxz. Currently, twittering, chatting, not texting cos Idk where Aai went, not otp cos nobody called. Feel free to call me up :) heeee :) okay, youtube-ing now, buh-bye !

♥ Stops Traffic @
Monday, August 31, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Hehe, I missed you guys too ! I missed blogging too ! :)
Keep the love flowing yeah at my tagboard? Nth much is gg on in my life right now, not that exciting, so, no pt blogging right ? you guys no point reading a boring post, right ? hehe. Urrmmms. Well, studies been okay :) hehe. Happy happy :) OH OH ! fatin syngku influenced me, and now im KINDA addicted to Jon&Kate plus 8 ! hehe. Jyeahhh. Besides that, nth much happen really. :) oh. I miss them sleeq boys like shitxzxz. Hehe. And omg, so happy, cos FINALLY, fatin syng admits that alyph got talent ! duh ~ ! tsktsktsk. Hehe. Urrmmms. Jyeah. Fasting has been fun with fun friends around ! ^.^ hehe. Oh, and ppl, pls pass the word around ! I need to get an acting job. Dammit. You ppl dnt take me curiously uhh ! tsk ! k, bye ! love . :) bye !
♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

HEARTS Justin bieber
♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, August 21, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

; i need help, dnt you thinks so too ?
sorry no picture. lazy. i think i need help. i keep on falling fo them guys when i know its impossible. The more impossible it is to get him, to more i keep falling. fxk. urgh! hello ! he's popular, and he doesn't even know that i exist. fxk. i'm off to dream. nitink, call/text me. bye.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

; for that tall guy, called mirah's new crush

ystd, was awesome . in school as well as after :) awesomestlization ! hahahah. so i went to expo with fam ystd, and met three fav boys altogether ! :) how awesome can it be? tell me abt it ! hahahah. my heart just melt when that fav duo performed :) and omg, i cn drop dead when aliff smiled. and take picture with me. bt i think, he thinks im a kid still. goddammit. whats with these ppl ? i wish i was taller and look 16 so ppl won't think i'm 16 ! grrrr ! haha. nd oh am gee. aliff and alif commented on my specs. need to change to a normal specs, or wear contacts. so malu :P haha. gt new new crush, none other than aliff aziz lorhhhh hahah. :) he superdupermegagiganticenormously cute cannn ? :) haha. i wish i was taller :) hahahah. and i wish he knew im 16 :) hahahhaa.whoops. hahha. dahlah. tired. gnna upload gamba at fb nowww :) byeeeee !

one of favourite ! syarif. ;D (hotstuff!)

ooohhh ~ ! people's favourite :) haha. MINE ! haha. alyph ;D

And lastly, presenting my new crushhhhh ! hahahaha. be mine will ya ? bt that's nt gonna come true -.-'

mirah can dream on.

♥ Stops Traffic @
Friday, August 14, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

; i 'm mourning for the lost of love.
life hasn't always been down for me. it has its ups. bt when it's down, its rock bottom down. i hope i'll bounce back on my feet. soon. real soon. thanks mimi for lending me your shoulder. appreciate it lots. its like fxk isn't it ? the more i wanna forget you, you are everywhere. fxk you. hate you. friends of the world, im officially updating you guys that im over love. love is nth bt a four letter word for me. and the guy i use to crush, is too cute to be mine. :( a sad fact. who cares ? i know, not you. so whtever.i feel so used. so trashy. fxk you. urgh. my holiday was great. okay. bye.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Monday, August 10, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

;don't bother, cos that's exactly what i need frm you right now !
k, so school was fine despite the fact that sth happen in sch bt i wasn't aware of it cos i was absent ystd, (sick) !! hahah. so yeah, basically, tuesday was fun-un-un ! hahaha. had everything i wanted EXCEPT fr that VERY NICE ADIDAS WATCH that cost 108 bucks. fxker. knnccb btol.niways. i spent alot ystd. lemme correct that. my grndpa spent alot on me ystd. hahaha. teehee. happy birthday grandpa. love you to the maximum-est ?HAHHA . swear. love him like hell alot ! (: haha. so yeah. ppl is busy with prelims while im slacking. haha. im nt taking my paper this year, so dnt get me wrong ! (: neither n nor o. except fr a few subjects. which is only 2 -.-" niwayyys. revision gg alright i guess. :'( haha. currently, finding a perfect blog skin fr my dearest blog, and a new song :( hahaha, so yeah. brb. no. bye. and why must all the good guys be taken ? what bout me and shasha ? mampos btol.
♥ Stops Traffic @
Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

;not strong enough, not good enough. not prepared.
haha. see the tittle ? it's meant for love. it's all the reason i should not be in love. not pretty enough. not kind enough. not strong enough. not good enough. not tall enough. not old enough, and most imptly, not prepared. just not prepared. :)) well, to those of you exposed to love, how does it feel ? what's it like ? is it hard? yes, i long to be loved like all. but im just nt ready to be in a rshp :)) y'know what's in my mind? poly. and the only way to get there, is to erase away all this NONSENSICAL, nt impt, just distraction feelings called love or crush or whtevs. haha. :))
next, as you can see, my post is soooooo purplish. nice right ? no? then not my problem :) hahaha. so, if you don't like it, buzz off. :)) and. now, currently, im webcaming with reg hunny :) haha. she's having a free show. my brudder. need i explain more ? haha. oh that big chillies. hahhaa. and how zas it vil? hahha it means how does it feel. haha. annoying boy. haha.
i don't understand why some people get mad when their guys go to another girl. it's their fault nt taking good care of the jerks. they are like sooooo not suppose to blame the girl. stupid. no no. im not talking about that idiotic bastard of mine, called "ayah". no. im talking about some other guys, who ran to another girl and talk shits about their gf. and that stupid gf of his scolded the girl cos "seduce" her boy. man is she stupid or stupid ? really stupid. jerks and bitches. they belong together. don't they ? they do oh they do. stupid. heh. idiots. :)
Truth is, i cnt wait to meet mas farrel , and mas denis. ahhaa. oh so cute indonesian guys :) haha. these two guys, rezky aditya, and teuku wisnu, is an indonesian sinetron artiste. cnt wait to meet them. i wanna drag mummy to buy fr me new clothes. MUST MUST look nice :) and oh ! during that hi-tea event, didicazli will be there too. oh you know, that guy that sang "impianku" ? which is currently my fav song ? teehee. cnt wait :)
Mum went out aft work to her hi-tea event. it's her primary school class reunion. so fun right ? that makes me wonder . am i really gg back jurong to meet my jurong friends? will they be free ? will the teachers still rmmbr me? (doubt so) . and that leaves my answer unclear. :yes or no ? idk. dammits. i miss my jurong friends but... should i wait till next year or so ? idk . i missed them :( but i doubt they miss me. sigh. leaves me hanging. dammit.
niways, going off now, IMRAN AJMAIN'S album launch at suria at 6.55pm ! must catch it ! cnt miss it :)) haha. love ya'll ! and reminder, AAI'S birthday is tmrw. to those i have your numbers, i will remind you thru text :) to those who i don't have your numbers (why never gimme your number ?!) , i'll FIND a way to remind you :) taccaire. love ya'll !
♥ Stops Traffic @
Saturday, August 01, 2009


Mirah ! :D
Fifthteen , 211293 . Happily single (:
(L)to make new friends :]
guys are bastards.
just add me up at msn, if you wanna know more!
spammers are welcome. i WILL entertain! (:

MSN | FRIENDSTER Dont judge me tomorrow by the way I'm acting today .

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

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Alexzndria! Elaine Fatin Nurie! Mira! Iidah! Reginal! Marie! Ain! Melissa! Jessalyn Syahira Shasharina Shakinah Aiishah Ain! Melissa! Jessalyn Syahira Shasharina Shakinah Aiishah